Donate now
No one should face domestic abuse alone.
We’re here so they don’t have to.
Help women and children get the support they need to escape abuse. Please donate to our lifesaving work.
Why your support matters
Right now, 1.6 million women are trapped in abusive relationships. Alone and afraid, they know that leaving can be incredibly dangerous. They desperately need help to escape abuse.
With three women killed every fortnight by a current or ex-partner, coming together to end domestic abuse has never been more urgent.
Please donate now. You could help provide the support needed to escape abuse.
For someone experiencing abuse, our life-saving support and advice can be the difference between staying in an abusive relationship or finding safety.
Our campaigning protects survivor’s rights and brings about the legislative change needed to end domestic abuse. We successfully fought to make coercive and controlling behaviour illegal – our campaigning works.
Other ways to support us
No matter the size, your gift will be used to transform lives, strengthen life-saving services, and protect the rights and safety of survivors of abuse in the years ahead.
Fundraising keeps our life saving support services open. We help thousands of women every year to escape abuse but it wouldn’t be possible without people like you.
When you put on your running shoes for Women’s Aid, you’re joining a nationwide movement of runners dedicated to ending violence against women.